Supply Management

Need some text here to explain what Supply Management is all about.

Supply Management

Manage your prices, contracts, reconciliation, profitability and allocation

Custom Prices

Simple or complex, you can build custom price formulas for both the buy and sell side - helping you beat the market

Manage Contracts

Buy side, sell side or buy side / sell side - one place for all your contracts and apply to every lift

Allocation Management

Day, week, month - are you over or under allocation obligations and by how much, we'll tell you


Was that lift and / or delivery profitable? Did you pull from your best option? We'll let you know


See everything in one page from metrics, status & highlighting transactions for attention

BOL Search

Easily search for your BOL's in our system by using the Control Panel. Results will show all metrics on your BOL's, such as BOL record information, Mapping status, consignee, purchase & sales price and a bunch of additional features. including invalid mapping, pricing issues and other metrics. We also support the action to export your data into downstream systems such as Algro, PDI, ...

Universal Dispatch Workflow

Invoice Reconciliation

Invoices received via DTN network are compared to purchase prices of BOLS and matched.

Universal Dispatch Workflow

Mapping Tables

Mapping tables for Terminal TCNs, Product PIDX, Consignee numbers. These tables allow us to accurately match a BOL to the correct Terminal, Product and Consignee. This ensures accurate price application, and allows to map fields for downstream systems.

Universal Dispatch Workflow

Pricing Options

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Published Prices

All prices published are available in Supply Management to price transactions where we do not have a special pricing agreement

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Index Prices

Receive and refreshes over 40’000 index prices throughout the day

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Custom Pricing Formulas

Support for custom pricing contracts for a Consignee, Terminal and Product for a given valid period of time

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Customer Prices

Prices can be linked to delivered site of a specific consignee

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Volume Limited Prices

A Volume Limit can be applied across multiple Customer prices, after which the price will expire. Normal pricing or the next customer price will kick in

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Custom Formula Price Builder

Create you own «index» price based on a formula of available prices in the system. These can be used anywhere like any other Index price